Xtra pc reviews yelp
Xtra pc reviews yelp

xtra pc reviews yelp

It might be the answer to your prayers after all. One of our agents will be happy to assist you with the Xtra-PC product and see why it took so long to load and why you were not able to access all of your files. Please reach out to our customer service department. Sorry to hear that you had issues with your Xtra-PC product.


Update AugOur Customer Service Director contacted Mr. Yes the customer service ditector has contacted me NOT to discuss the s owness of this product but to say they cannot help anymore !!!!! Appalling behaviour


I gave all my personal information at the start and still he asked me again to retype it as it was not on his screen but was on mine - not very professional ! I am so sorry I went down this route now - a bitter lesson well learned here. then Paolo said the usb stick was not working despite me telling him it was but running VERY SLOW - sadly he could not address my issue of running slow whatsoever and came away feeling very frustrated and angry -Now the stick has given up the ghost and just shuts down any computer I try it on-, so i am now left with a useless USB stick - perhaps i can reformat it and use it for storage. He kept telling me to try different usb ports - did that already- several.


I even read it can be obtained as freeware? So, I have done a full and honest test and this is the result Boot up time - 8 minutes 21 seconds ! lightning fast? NO WAY Access to the internet 1 minute 19 seconds - SLOW Takes ages to open any file and VERY slow on the internet search - SLOW So I did what Debby of Xtra-Pc customer support advised and spoke to Paolo C Sadly he was not very helpful - I got the impression he was reading from a sheet of paper and could not deviate from it - kept telling me to try another computer - I have already tried 4, 2 bootable and 2 not bootable 64 bit and 32 bit. It is OK if you only want the above in slow time but don`t expect this to be the answers to your prayers as I did. When I read about Xtra-PC I thought it was the answer to my prayers as I have a very good Samsung RF711 laptop that cannot boot up! So I bought the USB stick It takes AGES to load and when it is loaded all you have access to is mail ,internet (that too is extremely slow) a spreadsheet and a graphics program - you cannot access any other files from your PC.

xtra pc reviews yelp xtra pc reviews yelp

Summary: unless you know the ins and outs of computers pretty well, don't fall for this. (I didn't really smack myself but I felt like it.) I did beg for mercy but to no avail. When I asked for a refund they reminded me of the 60-day warranty term and I smacked myself on the head for not paying close attention to the time span. So I contacted the company for support, and though the agent was kind, he/she was unable to help and told me I would have to get the computer working again (i.e., the original OS) before they could help me. But that was all of the life I could muster out of the machine.


I tried tapping repeatedly various iterations of the F8 and F11 keys and whatever else I thought might work to wake up the brain, and occasionally a short series of funny little numbers and characters lined up in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. The brand logo of the computer appears at the beginning and then there is nothing. No blue screen of death (it may yet be fixable), but a dark screen stares silently back at me. Eventually, my efforts were "rewarded" with the computer simply not working at all. There were no paper instructions (I like to have something on paper because I never know what can happen on a computer screen: I can't just turn a page.) I tried to follow instructions but they didn't quite match what I was actually seeing on the screen. I ordered the device and once I received it proceeded to do as the instructions suggested. Those who have made it work are most likely those who have a far better understanding of computers than I do. For people who aren't familiar with the true complexity of computers, it's easy to get roped in. Also, I'm still learning to not fall for too-good-to-be-true schemes, and haven't done a very good job of it. I'm angry with myself for that, but I can't blame the company for sticking with their policy. I did beg for mercy and asked for the refund anyway but that didn't happen.

xtra pc reviews yelp

I foolishly took too long to try to work on the problem I had and went past the 60-day refund period. First of all, I am willing to take responsibility for my part in the problem I had with Xtra-PC.

Xtra pc reviews yelp